Environmental Health

Environmental Health

Articles of interest about indoor and outdoor environmental triggers that impact human health at several levels.

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Students and teachers spend a significant percentage of their time in enclosed environments at school. This link gives parents, students and school officials some issues to consider when assessing the impact of the school environment on the health of its occupants. Read More

Whether moving across town or across the country, allergic/asthmatic patients and anyone interested in healthy breathing can benefit from a review of their indoor air quality at home and work.

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Toxic Exposures - Silent Spring Institute

Thought provoking video from our friends at Silent Spring Institute depicting several potential sources of toxin exposures in the everyday household environment and their impact on human health.

This week's UN Intergovernmental Panel report on climate change summarizes several of the manmade and natural meteorologic observations evolving in regional ecosystems which have significant impact on plant, animal and human health.

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This week's extreme heat and air quality have presented challenges for many respiratory patients. Time for patients with respiratory conditions to upgrade their action plans.

Those in need of a long term allergy/asthma action plan can start this process by checking out www.massallergy.net.

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Allergy/asthma patients in eastern Massachusetts continue to experience challenging allergic/respiratory conditions this week with >90 degree temperatures and some of the highest pollen counts in the country. Peak tree pollens + rising grass pollens + > 90 degree temperatures means its time for our allergy/asthma patients to activate their upgraded seasonal allergy action plans.

Those in need of a long term allergy/asthma action plan or for management of other allergic conditions can start this process by checking out www.massallergy.net.

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Environmental Health