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- Published on Sunday, 03 November 2013 07:45
Fifteen states enacted laws in 2013 to enhance access to epinephrine for allergic emergencies, joining 11 others that already had them, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
While only four of the states require schools to have the medication on hand, all the laws allow schools to stock it without a prescription for an individual person — a legal hurdle in many places — and provide legal protection for staff members who administer it.
In July, the U.S. House passed legislation that would give states that come up with policies to make epinephrine available in schools special preference when they apply for asthma-related grants. The law could give states further incentive to pass such laws.
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- Published on Wednesday, 31 July 2013 11:20
The events outlined in this video underscore the importance of having an accurate food allergy diagnosis and proactive management strategy to recognize and treat severe allergic reactions with injectable epinephrine.
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- Published on Tuesday, 08 October 2013 14:24
Each year a great deal of information and misinformation is communicated to the public about influenza and the risk/benefits of influenza immunization.
Influenza can be devastating for asthma patients and others with specific conditions which impair the immune system. This highly contagious condition is one of the few acute respiratory diseases which can be prevented by vaccination. Contrary to popular belief in some circles, one does not catch influenza from an influenza vaccination.
As the upcoming influenza season approaches, this graphic may help you decide which vaccine is right for you.
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- Published on Tuesday, 08 October 2013 14:25
Sinus infections account for more antibiotic prescriptions than any other diagnosis.
Rhinosinusitis (sinus infections) are among the most common conditions encountered in medicine, and previous studies show antibiotics are prescribed extensively to treat rhinosinusitis. However, according to major consensus guidelines, antibiotics are not recommended for most patients with typical cases of acute sinus infections lasting less than 4 weeks, and the role of antibiotics for chronic sinus infections lasting more than 3 months is controversial.
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- Published on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 13:54
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the annual cost of asthma in the United States at more than $56 billion, including millions of potentially avoidable hospital visits and more than 3,300 deaths, many involving patients who skimped on medicines or did without.
“The thing is that asthma is so fixable,” said Dr. Elaine Davenport, who works in Oakland’s Breathmobile, a mobile asthma clinic whose patients often cannot afford high prescription costs. “All people need is medicine and education.
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- Published on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 14:37
Schools and access to epipens.